AI enabled POS software helps small business retailers thrive
It's easy to be dazzled and even confused by the hype surrounding Artificial Intelligence (AI) with so much news and social media content around the topic. Away from that noise a revolution is occurring in engaged businesses using AI to save time, reduce costs and make better business decisions sooner.
Smart AI technology with access to quality business data and knowledge and given the right prompts can be a terrific assist to local small business retailers.
The AI enabled POS solutions offered by Tower Systems help retailers in plenty of ways. Since mid 2022 we have been offering AI POS solutions, embedded in our core POS software products made for local specialty retailers.
Using our AI POS tools, retailers can:
- Generating product names to maximise search opportunities.
- Generating meaningful and SEO ready product descriptions to maximise search opportunities.
- Easily loading PDF invoices from any supplier, converting them to an import ready electronic invoice.
- Price comparing locally, outside the business, to reveal better profit and competition opportunities.
- Generating publishing ready blog posts for products managed by the POS software, and publishing these blog posts for you if you wish.
These facilities exist today, and this list of five are only some of the AI POS software capabilities we offer our customers.
Saving time, improving the quality of business decisions and speeding p decision making are three key benefits of the AI tools in our POS software already delivered. What comes next is even more enhancement and we are excited for the research and development being undertaken for this.
All of us here at Tower Systems are here for a win for local small business retailers and AI is playing a terrific role in this. It all started for us when we owned shops ourselves and wanted to deliver efficiency in them. We researched, experimented and evolved our POS software. Now, years on, we are grateful to be helping so many of our customers in this space.
If you run a local small retail business. AI is key to success in-store as well as online. Tower Systems is here to help you with this with software equipped in this area.
When looking at other POS solutions and considering your AI needs, be sure to see first-hand, to see for yourself what the POS company claims its software in terms of AI capabilities. Too often there is a difference between marketing pitch and action.
We'd be grateful to demonstrate our AI POS software tools any time.