Tower Systems offers fixed price web development services for our POS software customers. To find out more about our fixed price website development, please email: sales@towersystems.com.au.
We do not recommend WooCommerce for website development. In our experience, it is expensive to maintain, requiring strong technical skills.
That said, we do offer a WooCommerce link as we know some of our customers will go with Woo because of a perceived low cost. The Retailer to WooCommerce Link uses the Tower Advantage Link platform to allow Retailer to connect directly to your WooCommerce webstore. The Tower Advantage Link platform is a subscription-based service that acts as an intermediary between Retailer and the WooCommerce API.
The link works by using the Tower Web Connect platform to connect to the WooCommerce API and synchronise your data.
In our online knowledge base, we have structured advice for setting up and maintaining the Retailer / WooCommerce link.
For queries, please email support@towersystems.com.au or call one of our offices.